





I want to start by saying that being a photographer is HARD. Photography is a highly saturated field and it is something that is a luxury, not a necessity. Finding your place in such a big field is very challenging, especially in a small town like Madison, IN. There are a lot of photographers in our area with all different styles but with that being said, everyone has a place and it’s our responsibility is to support each other.

Too often I see people putting other’s work down in any industry, or not doing something for someone because they are the “competition.” No one knows the struggle like another photographer. That’s why when Allison responded to a model call I posted, I jumped on the opportunity to shoot her and her family. Often you stay so busy shooting others that you forget to make time to get your own family’s photos, I’m glad that I was able to capture these for them!

I love supporting other photographers, we should all be each other’s biggest hype man!

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